

Data collected for the ASR is managed according to guidelines stipulated by the NHMRC National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research and the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research and conforms to Commonwealth and State privacy principles.

All ASR data collected remains in Australia on infrastructure located in Australia and managed by the ASR.  

Access to information collected and collated by the ASR is guided by strict protocols and procedures to ensure that privacy and other ethical principles are maintained at all times.  Specific measures are in place to maintain the confidentiality of personal identifying information.

Any analysis of data by the registry is carried out on large anonymous groups and not on individual data. Public reports or publications will not contain individual personal data.

Data security

The ASR treats patient data very seriously.  All information collected is entered into a secure database via the secure Australian Spine Registry data entry portal.

Access to this website is only accessible by authorised staff via multi factor authentication.

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